Our Mission

Making Waves.

As five former Duxbury High School students, we were determined to give back to the community that has supported us throughout our lives. We created this organization as a vehicle to fuel this philanthropic desire and reward current students who also strive to make Duxbury better. Nonetheless, we were all high school students at one point, and we understand the importance of academics, especially the economy. Thus, our initiative is by students for students and aims to reward those who have excelled academically in economics and civically by bettering the Duxbury community.

The Duxbury Economics Impact Initiative, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation founded in 2024 by five former DHS students to give back to current DHS students. The organization is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes, with no part of the net earnings providing private benefit to any director, officer, trustee, or member. The DEII is in the process of achieving its tax-exempt status under IRS code 501(c)(3), such that donations to the organization are tax-deductible. Funds will be made available to selected students at the annual scholarship awards night held in May. To finance this/these scholarship(s), the DEII relies on its contributors’ generous donations.